Sunday, November 25, 2012

Stop 50 Coal Trains Coming Through Spokane


Please post the following two events on your FB pages, relevant organizations you belong to on FB, etc. I need help in reaching people who belong to neighborhood councils and getting them to post to their NH FB pages. If you belong to a neighborhood council with a FB page, please post these events.

It's so important to go to the scoping hearing. Scoping will determine what is in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). If the US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) is not asked to scope an impact that you think is important, it may not get into the draft EIS. When the draft comes out (it could take a year), you can comment on that but it may be too late to get the scope of the negative impacts that are important to you and the regional impacts (that is, the 4,000 miles from the Powder River Basin to the Pacific Gateway Terminal at Cherry Point near Bellingham) in the final EIS.

The workshop on Nov. 28 will help you prepare your comments. It's not a comment if you say you hate coal trains and don't want them to come. That's an opinion. The USACE won't and can't do anything about that in the EIS. You need to tell USACE what your concerns are regarding coal exports, how they can be mitigated, if they can be, what you want studied, etc.

If you want the official links to the USACE comment page and the official press release from DOE, let me know and I'll send them to you.

You will have two minutes to speak. You have to sign up 30 minutes before hand. Speakers will be called up in groups of three. If you are not there when you are called you will have to wait for all the speakers to speak before you can have your turn at the microphone. There will be 75-100 speaking slots. We aren't certain yet. For those of you who are microphone shy, you can come to the hearing and write your comments and hand them to an official or you can speak your comments to a stenographer. You don't have to stay for the whole hearing but please come to the rally from 3-4 pm. Officials will not make comments on your comments or ask you questions. Please let Crystal know at if you are going to speak.
Via Laura Ackerman


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