"Amazing news! The Obama administration has yanked its plan to strip federal protection from all wolves in the United States outside the Southwest.
The decision is a response to the enormous public outcry -- including emails, letters and calls by 75,000 Center for Biological Diversity supporters -- against the Department of the Interior's plan to abandon wolf recovery in California, the Northwest, the southern Rocky Mountains and the Northeast. The few wolves left in these areas would be killed without federal protection.
But the surprise, last-minute decision is not final and could be reversed at any moment... We need your help now more than ever to stop it for good.
Please help put the final nail in the coffin of this wolf-killing plan by donating to our Wolf Defense Fund today. A dedicated Center member will match all donations made by May 31, making your gift worth twice as much to endangered wolves.
The wolf abandonment plan was complete and ready for publication when government lawyers suddenly announced to the judge in one of the Center's wolf protection lawsuits that, due to an "unexpected delay," it would not be issued. But they haven't said why the decision was pulled, how long it will be delayed or even who made the decision. It is still very tenuous.
The next few weeks are absolutely critical for wolves. We need to mobilize as many people as possible, as fast as possible to convince the new Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell, to do the right thing. With your help, we can raise 100,000 voices asking her to permanently dump the wolf-killing plan championed by her predecessor, Ken Salazar, and to instead expand protection for wolves in California, the Northwest, the southern Rocky Mountains and the Northeast.
This is the best, and probably the last, chance we'll have to reverse the terrible wolf killing and recovery abandonment we've all witnessed with horror the past few years.
Please give as generously as you can to our Wolf Defense Fund today then forward this appeal to a friend... to all your friends. Now is the time to get everyone working together for wolves.
Thanks so much for helping to win one final chance for wolves.
For the wild,"
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